Monday, October 12, 2009

Are You Overwhelmed?

You are feeling completely stressed out. Work demands, a hectic family life, commitments you have made to friends and relatives. There are so many things you have to do, and it just doesn’t seem like there are enough hours in the day to it all. You need a few quick stress tips to help you regain control.

Well, you are in luck. Here are three quick and easy things you can do restore some of the order to your busy, frantic life.

What Do You Really Need To Do?

One of the major causes of stress is having too much to do and not enough time to do it. Finding ways to either eliminate some of the unnecessary To-Dos from your life, or at least make them easier, can take a lot of the pressure off of you.

Does rushing home to make dinner for your family make the hours after you get off work even more hectic? Instead, why not make a week’s worth of dinners over the weekend and put them in the fridge. After work, all you have to do is heat them up.

Think about the things you do every day, and try to eliminate or simplify as much of it as you can.

Learn To Delegate

There are some things on your daily To-Do list that you simply can’t skip or pass up on. These things must get done.

But that doesn’t necessarily mean you have to be the one to do them.

Think about the things you do every day that could be could be done by someone besides you. Who else could you ask to do them instead?

It’s Okay to Back Out

Some of us find it hard to say no. You might worry that, if someone asks you to do something, and you refuse, they will get mad at you. Or they’ll decide you aren’t the nice guy they thought you were.

But agreeing to take on extra commitments when you know you already have more than enough on your plate can be a major cause of stress. So learn to say no without feeling guilty about it.

If you have already agreed to do something, but have come to realize that this added commitment is just too much for you to handle right now, it is okay for you to back out. Go to the person you made the commitment to, and explain the situation. You can even try to help find someone to take your place. Chances are, they will understand.

Feeling overwhelmed by your hectic life? These three quick stress tips will help you decrease some of your daily burdens, and regain some of the peace and calm you have lost.

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